Antiracism school was created to provide a safe, shame-free educational space, for entrepreneurs and executives who are keen to discover and dismantle the socialized racism they never signed up for.
Racism requires denial and shame to survive.
This trauma-informed program offers attention and clear eyed compassion as an antidote.
This is not a way to "love and light" it away. This is not a way to punish yourself for not knowing what you didn't know sooner.
Antiracism School is a way to LIGHT THE WAY for us, all of us, to learn, love, and live like never before.
Hi, I’m Serena.
I'm a biracial (half black half white) Business Coach, a badass, an antiracism student and educator. I created this course in response to the "but what do I do next?" questions I heard some of my smartest, proactive, courageous whyte friends asking.
As a Coach I know that education alone isn't the answer to making life changes. If it was, we'd all be at our ideal weight, doing 20+ minutes of cardio every day, with perfect loving relationships and a thriving career.
Education is how we begin to create changes. Coaching on new (possibly challenging) concepts and intentionally surrounding ourselves with a community that shares our priorities and values; this is how we create lasting changes. Hence Antiracism School.
You will get an essential education on systematic racism in the US, how human bodies hold trauma, how human bodies can effectively process trauma, and how human brains effectively create lasting change.
On each MON, you will receive your training videos for the week. Each week's training module is concise; 30 minutes or so.
You have direct access to ask your questions, listen and learn in our group Coaching calls. Every Wed. & Friday x 12 weeks. Each group Coaching session is 90 minutes (so you've got access to 36 hours of Coaching!).
Coaching Zooms/calls are 2x/week, days TBD. You can attend 2x/week but that is not necessary.
You will learn how and begin living your best antiracist life with others in this shame-free, supportive, community of professionals who are also courageously committed to learning and living this work during our live calls, in our teaching module here, and/or in the secret Facebook group.